

来源:威廉希尔WilliamHill  发布日期:2023-03-21  浏览:




  2010.09 - 2014.06 河北工程大学,水文与水资源工程专业,获得工学学士学位

  2014.09 - 2017.06 山东大学,水文学及水资源专业,获得工学硕士学位

  2017.09 - 2022.12 河海大学,水文学及水资源专业,获得工学博士学位

  2023.03 -        威廉希尔WilliamHill,讲师


  1. 雅鲁藏布江典型流域地下水形成机理与演变预测,国家自然科学基金委员会,重大研究计划重点支持项目 (91747203, 2017.12-2021.12, 300万元),参与。

  2. 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究项目,科学技术部,国家专项 (2019QZKK020702,2019.11至今,200万元),参与。

  3. 基于地球物理方法的西南喀斯特峰丛洼地多重水流模拟研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目 (42071039,2021.01-2024.12,55万元),参与。

  4. 基于氢氧同位素的喀斯特流域分布式示踪水文模型研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目(41971028,2020.01-2023.12,61万元),参与。

  5. 我国东部季风区大尺度植被恢复对降水的影响和传输机制研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目 (41971025,2020.01-2023.12,61万元),参与。


  1. Wang Jiarong, Chen Xi, Hu Qi, Liu Jintao. 2020. Responses of terrestrial water storage to climate variation in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 584, 124652.

  2. Wang Jiarong, Chen Xi, Liu Jintao, Hu Qi. 2021. Changes of precipitation-runoff relationship induced by climate variation in a large glaciated basin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD034367.

  3. Wang Jiarong, Chen, Xi, Gao, Man, Hu Qi, and Liu Jintao. 2022. Changes in nonlinearity and stability of streamflow recession characteristics under climate warming in a large glaciated basin of the Tibetan Plateau, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26, 3901–3920.

  4. Gao Man, Chen Xi, Wang Jiarong, Chris Soulsby, Cheng Qinbo. 2021. Climate and landscape controls on spatio-temporal patterns of stream water stable isotopes in a large glacierized mountain basin on the Tibetan Plateau, Science of The Total Environment, 771, 144799.

  5. Gao, Man, Chen, Xi, Li, Guangxuan, Wang, Jiarong, & Dong, Jianzhi. 2023. Impacts of elevation variability of climate and frozen ground on streamflow in a glacierized catchment in Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 129312. (online)

  6. Wang Shuhong, Liu Jintao, Wang Jiarong, Qiao Xiao, and Zhang Jie. 2019. Evaluation of GPM IMERG V05B and TRMM 3B42V7 Precipitation products over high mountainous tributaries in Lhasa with dense rain gauges. Remote Sensing, 11(18): 2080.



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